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The aim of this goal is to provide a high quality of life in order to meet the standards required for a modern developed country. To achieve this, the main focus will be on facilities and critical infrastructure, national security, caring for the environment and providing vital social security and support required by all members of society. High Quality of Life encompasses self-development, healthy lifestyle, and access to facilities that fulfill the requirements of achieving social well being in line with the national development objectives. In other words, quality of life also includes the development of other aspects such as health care, social, cultural and environmental aspects. Based on the Wawasan framework, Goal 2 consists of 5 Outcomes, 11 Key Areas and National Key Performance Indicators. 

The first Outcome is High Standard of Living. This is to ensure a standard of living that is at a high level which will not only be enjoyed by present citizens and residents but also by future generations. These include the provision of world-class health care, development and provision of high quality public infrastructure and basic utilities, access to the best accommodation, and excellence in quality of services provided to citizens. The focus will be on five (5) key areas, namely: Healthy Nation; Access to and High Quality Public Utilities and Infrastructure; High Home Ownership; High Social Mobility; and Excellence in Service Delivery. The second Outcome is Upholding Sovereignty and Stability. To defend the sovereignty and maintain stability of the country, traditional and non-traditional security threats must be addressed with an integrated and concerted effort. These include strengthening the ability of security and intelligence agencies handling these security threats. In terms of public safety, efforts to strengthen law enforcement is directed towards reducing crime. The Key Area will be on being One of the Safest Countries in the World.


The third Outcome is Sustainable Environment. The country's desire to achieve high quality of life also involves maintaining sustainable natural and cultural environment. This includes ensuring the areas that will be developed or have been developed will always be maintained. The Key Area for sustainable environment is A Clean and Green EnvironmentThe fourth Outcome is A Resilient and Cohesive Society. To ensure continuous social harmony and prosperity for the country, citizens well being will receive the appropriate attention. Towards the successful implementation and management of social development, and in line with the economic development of generating a prosperous and harmonised society, three Key Areas are emphasised and these include: Inclusive and Sustainable Social Security; Population with Core Values and Social Harmony Through Community UnityThe fifth Outcome is World Class Health and Safety in the Workplace. This is to increase the awareness and accountability of the public and private sectors so that major accidents will not occur and the occurrence of dangerous incidents will be prevented. The Key Area for this Outcome is the Compliance to Occupational Health and Safety Legislation / Standards.
